Optimize Your PC For Osu!
Is osu! your favourite game? Hone offers custom optimizations that enhance your gaming experience so you can dominate all the beatmaps.
Trust Score 4.5 | +300 Reviews

Is osu! your favourite game? Hone offers custom optimizations that enhance your gaming experience so you can dominate all the beatmaps.
Hone optimizes your internet connection, allowing you to experience stable latency and reduced ping-spikes. This allows you to react faster and keep your precision in check, making you capable of getting your name up on the leaderboards.
Hone provides free optimizations that boosts your FPS, allowing you to experience the smoothest gameplay and lowest frame-times which help you remain consistent and competitive
The competitive nature of osu! requires your PC to also have quick response time. Hone offers optimizations that lower the input response so all your keyboard taps and mouse clicks register in nearly an instant.
no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag
no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag no lag
Take a look at what results you can achieve with Hone, all games are tested on high-end specifications therefore the % of increase will be different for each system.
With better framerates and less input lag, you can also expect to enhance your skill-ceiling. Being good at competitive shooters involves much more than just mechanical skill. While mechanical skill can help you achieve that desired victory, the stats provided below showcase how improving your FPS and lower latency can help you in your goal towards utter dominance in a game.
By no means does this mean it's bound to increase your skills. But applying the above science to this correlation, we see a lot of evidence to support the claim that higher FPS and lower system latency lead to landing shots more frequently - boosting K/D ratios.
With better framerates and less input lag, you can also expect to enhance your skill-ceiling. Being good at competitive shooters involves much more than just mechanical skill. While mechanical skill can help you achieve that desired victory, the stats provided below showcase how improving your FPS and lower latency can help you in your goal towards utter dominance in a game.
By no means does this mean it's bound to increase your skills. But applying the above science to this correlation, we see a lot of evidence to support the claim that higher FPS and lower system latency lead to landing shots more frequently - boosting K/D ratios.